Prepare for sleep during the day.

 Have you ever thought that what you eat can affect your sleep?  For your information, Your restful night begins daytime.  Have you ever awaken early in the morning due to an upset stomach?  Your food choices aggravated your stomach and interrupted a good night's sleep.  So it is only logical that your food can help or hurt your body.  

Let's examine foods that can assist you with getting some sleep. First off, the effects that some carbohydrates have on your body is well known.  We pretty much know to avoid chips, cookies, fries, white bread, rice, etc. Take a look at the chart below.  Carbs found in vegetables like Broccoli, tomatoes, onions, beets, cucumber, kale, brussel sprouts, green beans, mushrooms, just to name a few. Even though there are fruits that are also low carbs, personally, I would not recommend to eat them before bed due to the sugar content. Remove the excess sugar in your diet and eat these foods before you drift off to sleep.  

Also, just a side note, please make the last time that you eat 2 hours before bedtime to allow your stomach to digest properly.

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