Five small extras to help you drift off
I've mentioned a few major things that can help you get some sleep. Changing your diet, your bedroom environment with essential oils and sleeping podcasts.
Here are a few items you probably never thought of that can also help you sleep.
1. Blindfolds-Block out any disturbing lights in the environment around you.
2. Lavender essential oil-Calms your senses.
3.Magnesium- Great for inducing relaxation. It also regulates the body's response to stress and anxiety.
4. Ear plugs-No noise please! Cancel any distracting noises before bed.
5.Pressure point:
Specifically the Wind pool
Clasp your hands together with palms open. Bring clasped hands behind your head to the back of your head. Using your thumbs, apply pressure to your head (where there is an indent on left and right side). Go in circular motions and gently move up and down at the same time. Do this before bedtime for about four to five seconds and slowly breathe in and out.
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