Wait! do this before Bedtime

After all of my sleepyheads podcasts, you are still sleepy? Well, I've got a few suggestions for you!
Try examining your bedtime routine.  Determine a good time for you to lay in bed each night. Select a time that provides you with six to eight hours of sleep.  No matter what may disrupt your bedtime,(aka smartphone, tv program, friends) decide that this New Year will begin with a scheduled time for bed. Follow the advice of most parents that dictate the time kids should go to bed. Trust me.  Overtime, their little bodies (and yours) will automatically prepare for sleep.

Another suggestion, a warm bath before bedtime helps you to relax.  Before bedtime, run water in your bathtub, add sleep inducing essential oil like Lavender to help you relax.  Create a spa like get-a-way by creating a mood with battery operated candles that flicker as wick candles.  After you follow these suggestions, slide right into your cozy bed, listen to my podcast Sleepyheads on Anchor fm.  Can I count on you to subscribe monthly?  If you feel that this information is helpful or the podcast, please make a small donation of 99 cents a month or if you are so kind and generous there are other donation amounts of $4.99 or $9.99.  However, any donation is appreciated greatly to help my podcast grow.  If these two suggestions don't help much, I shall add more suggestions to help you in the future.  


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