Keep the Clutter away sleepyheads!

If you have a bedroom filled with clutter, you need to organize right away!  A cluttered room, creates a cluttered mind!  Don't have time for cleaning?  Well, I have some tips for you!

Tip #1.  Everyday, remove one item and either toss it or put it in its proper space.  Over time, the small habits, will lead to BIG changes.

Image result for pictures of a clutter free bedroomTip #2. Hire a maid to tidy up for you.  Then maintain it by keeping a system identifying where items belong (dresser, closet, living room, etc.) and return it every time you use it.

Tip #3.  Make a habit out of picking up after yourself immediately after you have dropped it!  Don't procrastinate and wait until later!  DO IT NOW!

Tip #4.  Purchase storage bins for items to discard, giveaway and to keep.  Once sorted either throw it away, give it away or hang it in the closet.

This is just a few tips to start you on your journey to sleep.

I will have more environmental tips to help you get a good night's sleep.  Oh, don't forget about my podcast  Sleepyheads on Anchor fm.


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